My Story

At 23 years old I was the heaviest I have ever been...252 pounds. Did I see that in the mirror? No! I knew I was overweight but I did not think the scale was right with that number. I was in constant denial, but when I look back now, I think. "How could I have been in denial?" the proof was right in front of me. I was eating extremely unhealthy food. Eating fast food frequently and snacking on top of that. My exercise routine was barely anything at all. A walk around the Small block once a week(if at all).

When January of 2011 rolled around, I did what millions of other people do. I made a New Years Resolution to lose weight and get healthier. Was I expecting to succeed? Honestly, No. I have done this before, I was a constant Yo-Yo. Diet, binge, diet, binge. It was an endless cycle. I talked to my family about wanting to join a Gym. They love me, but I saw the doubt in there eyes even though they tried hiding it. They encouraged me and praised me and wished me good luck. That's when I knew that even though I didn't see 252 pounds in the mirror, everyone else did.

I started walking. In 6 weeks, I lost 8 pounds and was ecstatic. I was eating healthier and watching my portion control. I learned that I didn't need to deprive myself or give up everything I loved. Moderation, portion control and substitution was my key.

February 23, 2011: 244 Pounds- My life changed. I joined the gym. This day will forever be special to me because I remember the feeling I had when I left after my first one hour work out. Sweating and Sore, but happy. I felt great. The staff at Goodlife gave me such a warm welcome that I felt instantly home. Goodlife Fitness has been my second home ever since. Even though I didn't use a personal trainer, it was the friendly and out-going staff that kept me coming. It was their encouraging words and compliments that made me feel like they were a second family.

February 23, 2012: 135 Pounds-117 Pounds lost and a new attitude gained. I am happy, my relationship with others have improved greatly, but my relationship with myself has blossomed. I learned that I can do it. I am worth it and that I can succeed. It wasn't easy, I not only had to adjust to changing on the outside, but I had to learn how to change in the inside. I had to learn how to love myself and to be happy. I learned that it is okay to be selfish at times and to focus on myself and my health.

Thanks to the encouragement from my family, Goodlife and myself. I did it!


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