My Personal Blog
Sunday, July 3, 2011Well I did it!I started a personal blog. I have been toying with the idea of starting another blog for months. I contemplated about blending my book blog The Crazy Bookworm as a personal blog, but I decided against that. The Crazy Bookworm is primarily a book blog, and as a big fan of all my readers, I didn't want to mess with a good thing I already have going. So here it is, my personal blog that will include Tid Bits about my life, my journey to a healthier lifestyle, my crazy 3 dogs and anything else I feel like sharing. I am also a huge food and movie lover, so expect a lot of stuff about those things, too! Will I be able to manage both blogs? I hope so! The Crazy Bookworm will still be my number one priority but I am hoping that Naked Moments will be my little home away from home.
For all of you that have been wanting to get to know me a little better outside the BOOK world, well this is the perfect place! I'm looking forward to seeing some old friends popping by and meeting some great new friends. The Blogging world has been such an incredible experience, that I am super excited to start this new blog. I hope you enjoy it, too!
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