So close...

So many of you may not know this because A) I don't really talk about it much B) My personal blog is only 3 posts old. But I have been on a weight loss journey. I used to weigh 252 pounds. *Sigh*. But have recently lost 72 pounds, putting me at 180 pounds*smiling*, 20 pounds away from my goal of 160! Now of course that makes me super excited, but you know how they say that the last 10 pounds is the hardest? Make that 20! I am in need of a serious boost. I changed up my work out to keep things fresh and new for my body, but it seems that my body doesn't care what I want. It just wants to coast along at it's own pace. And I thought I was the stubborn one!

I have a couple social events coming up between now and September also, and would really like to have that last 20 pounds gone by then. Now I have been losing weight the hard way, eating healthy and hitting the gym, I understand that this is a lifestyle change, so quick fixes ARE NOT an option. I just need some advice or tips on how to boost my body, and get it to want to start losing again.

Any tips for a girl looking to lose that last 20?

5 Things I want to change about myself

I not one to stare in the mirror and pluck my body image to pieces. For the most part, I am happy with who I am. But that doesn't mean there are some...tweaks I would like to make here and there. So I have compiled a list of my top 5 to share with you.

1. A Healthier Lifestyle(currently underway)-3 years ago I started my own business. A home-based Pet Spa business. Ever since I started working at home, I found it easier to make my way to the fridge or pantry every time I had a break between appointments. It was easy to find a quick snack and plop down in front of the computer to kill time. So as a result of that, I had some unwanted weight gain. But thankfully, I am working on that now, and am close to reaching my goal. When I have a break in between appointments, I go or a quick walk, or hop on my exercise bike with a book. And for those times when I do need a quick bite, I have some healthy ready made 'to go' snacks. Like baby carrots and humus, or some rice chips(portion controlled).

2. Be A Social Butterfly- I am a happy go lucky kind of gal, and I love to chat. But when I am out places I never know how to make the first move. I am not good with initiating conversation. I am very friendly, and not really shy, but I wish I was better at making the first move. New Goal: Initiate a conversation with one girl at the gym...Yikes!

3. To Opinionated- I am a very passionate person. When I believe in something I feel the need to defend it. I like that I have an opinion on things but I need to learn that it's OK if people don't agree with me. I need to learn to have a 'healthy' debate instead of getting defensive. Besides, what fun is that?

4. Change is Good- I am a routine kind of person. Monday to Friday I am on a routine, I know what to expect and know how my day will be. I have also had the same haircut and style of clothing for the last 5 years. I need to learn to step out of my comfort zone and not be so strict on routine. New Goal: Kick back on Sunday with a movie instead of my usual cleaning spree after the gym.

5. Do one 'Crazy' thing a year: I'm a wuss! I am terrified of heights, flying and roller coasters. Last year I went to Canada's Wonderland and went on Top Gun(biggest/fastest roller coaster there) and I am still recovering from that experience. I want to toughen up and do one crazy thing a year. I don't mean jumping out of a plane or bungee jumping, but maybe there will be a hot air balloon or another roller coaster in the future.

I'm also addicted to reality and trash reality t.v! But I don't have any plans on changing that ;). Big Brother and Jersey Shore, HERE I COME!!

What one or five things would you like to change about yourself? Do you have any tips to help me? I would love to hear them!

My Personal Blog

Well I did it!I started a personal blog. I have been toying with the idea of starting another blog for months. I contemplated about blending my book blog The Crazy Bookworm as a personal blog, but I decided against that. The Crazy Bookworm is primarily a book blog, and as a big fan of all my readers, I didn't want to mess with a good thing I already have going. So here it is, my personal blog that will include Tid Bits about my life, my journey to a healthier lifestyle, my crazy 3 dogs and anything else I feel like sharing. I am also a huge food and movie lover, so expect a lot of stuff about those things, too! Will I be able to manage both blogs? I hope so! The Crazy Bookworm will still be my number one priority but I am hoping that Naked Moments will be my little home away from home.

For all of you that have been wanting to get to know me a little better outside the BOOK world, well this is the perfect place!  I'm looking forward to seeing some old friends popping by and meeting some great new friends. The Blogging world has been such an incredible experience, that I am super excited to start this new blog. I hope you enjoy it, too!


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